EFFECTIVE SMALL GROUPS #3: In Between the Meeting

EFFECTIVE SMALL GROUPS #3: In Between the Meeting

The conversation centered around the importance of intentional discipleship in small groups, emphasizing the need for personal mentorship, seeking out leaders, and setting expectations for growth. Speakers highlighted the significance of mentorship, leadership development, and serving others out of love for Jesus. They also discussed the challenges of investing in people and the need for intentional outreach and discipleship, citing Matthew 28:19-20 as a guiding scripture. The speakers shared personal experiences and offered suggestions for building connections and maintaining relationships without feeling burnt out.

Action Items

  • [ ] Seek out leaders for mentoring and ask questions to learn from their experiences.
  • [ ] Pour extra time and focus on developing potential new leaders within the small group.
  • [ ] Find opportunities to spend time with leaders outside of meetings, like hanging out or doing activities together.
  • [ ] Pray for awareness of outreach opportunities and act on them when they arise.


Producing fruit in small groups outside of Sunday meetings.

  • Leader shares personal journey with cell meetings and small group leadership.
  • Speaker 1: Jesus started small, chose 12 disciples, and emphasized personal mentorship.
  • Emphasize personal mentorship for fruit in small groups, as seen in Jesus’ example.

Taking initiative in small groups, including seeking advice, being transparent, and following instructions.

  • Disciple seeks mentorship, finds personal transformation through intimate relationship.
  • The speaker reflects on their experience in a small group, highlighting the importance of seeking out leaders for mentorship and being observant of their example.
  • The speaker emphasizes the value of asking questions and being intentional in seeking wisdom from leaders, citing their own experience of doing so in a previous church.
  • Speaker shares personal journey of transparency and vulnerability in small group setting.
  • Follower must be willing to follow instructions from leaders to achieve fruitful results.

Mentoring relationships in small groups, emphasizing leadership development and consistent fellowship.

  • Mentoring in small groups emphasized through Bible study, fellowship, and prayer.
  • Speaker 2 emphasizes the importance of building relationships and leadership development in small groups.
  • Leadership development is a priority in mentorship relationships, flowing from followship.

Mentorship and leadership development in a Christian group.

  • Leader mentors Kate, a long-time member who didn’t have it together at first, but saw a light bulb moment and became a leader.
  • Speaker 2 invested time in mentoring Kate, leading her to start her own small group.
  • Speaker 2 also mentored Aubrey, a non-Christian, through uncomfortable conversations and watching her grow.

Mentorship, discipleship, and serving Jesus with love.

  • Leader’s transparent mentorship relationships with girls led to their growth and leadership.
  • Speaker reflects on periods of dryness in their faith journey, feeling like they were going through the motions without genuine love for Jesus.

Serving others through generosity and hospitality.

  • Speaker reflects on Acts 4:32-35, challenging listeners to emulate the first century Christians’ radical generosity.
  • Speaker 1 shared how Chris and Courtney offered free housing and support, allowing them to give back to others in need.
  • Speaker 1 and Antoine grew in their relationship through car rides and conversations, leading to deeper discipleship and outreach.

Outreach and evangelism, emphasizing the Great Commission.

  • Speaker 1 describes how hosting students in their home has been fulfilling, allowing them to give back in a way that someone gave to them.
  • Speaker 1 emphasizes the importance of remembering and acting out of gratitude for Jesus’ love, rather than letting it become habitual.
  • Speaker emphasizes importance of outreach and fulfilling mission in daily life.

Prioritizing outreach in small groups and discipleship.

  • Speaker saw an opportunity to connect with a pregnant classmate at a summer class and they became partners for a project.
  • Speaker intentionally sought out a girl at a splash pad and started a conversation, leading to a new friendship.
  • Speaker struggles with reaching out to others while maintaining a hard heart.
  • Speaker 2 emphasizes the importance of reaching out to others in discipleship, not just focusing on personal growth.
  • Speaker 2 believes that sharing experiences and memories in a shared space, like a house, can deepen relationships and discipleship.

Overcoming fear and investing in people despite potential heartache.

  • Speaker struggles with people coming and going, fearing rejection and heartbreak.
  • Jesus’ sacrifice provides hope for overcoming fear and offering oneself up without foresight of future outcomes.
  • Speaker emphasizes importance of intentionality in small groups (Jesus, relationships, growth)
  • Leaders must be willing to be pushed by group members for growth and discipleship

Discipleship and mentorship in a Christian context.

  • Speaker 2 suggests delegating tasks to close friends to avoid burnout and focus on specific individuals in need of spiritual growth.
  • Speaker 3 seeks advice on how to connect with new people at Mizzou without feeling overwhelmed or burnt out.
  • Unknown Speaker: Set expectations for discipleship within a given week.
  • Speaker 1: Delegate discipleship to others, focusing on leadership potential.

Leadership roles for unmarried individuals in ministry.

  • Speaker 2 suggests involving unmarried leaders in small groups by pairing them with married leaders for intentionality and relatability.
  • Speaker 1 agrees, highlighting the importance of pairing unmarried leaders with married leaders for effective ministry.
  • Leaders reflect on communication changes since marriage.

This content was featured at the 2024 Antioch Collective Annual Assembly at The Crossings Church St. Charles County in O’Fallon, MO. For more like this, visit https://antiochcollective.org/