CAMPUS MINISTRY #3: From Lost to Leaders

CAMPUS MINISTRY #3: From Lost to Leaders

The conversation revolved around the importance of evangelism, leadership development, and empowerment in ministry. Speaker 1 emphasized the need to call people to follow Jesus and His purposes, while Speaker 2 stressed the importance of teaching with authority and confidence. Both speakers highlighted the importance of delegation, trust, and accountability in growing and multiplying ministry efforts. They also discussed the significance of receiving tough love and constructive criticism from loved ones and mentors in personal growth, and the need to remember where one’s power comes from, particularly in times of anxiety and feeling powerless.

Action Items

  • [ ] Call people to Jesus’ vision and purposes for their lives.
  • [ ] Identify individuals who show leadership qualities to develop.
  • [ ] Model leadership through one’s own life and example.
  • [ ] Empower and send people out to use their skills.
  • [ ] Provide both correction and encouragement for growth.
  • [ ] Remind people that their power comes from God.


Discipleship and leadership development using Jesus’ methods.

  • Church leader reflects on 20+ years of campus ministry, sharing lessons learned and God’s work.
  • Jesus calls people to follow Him and His purposes.

Identifying potential leaders in a ministry.

  • Jesus called Simon, Andrew, James, and John while they were fishing, offering them a chance to follow him and learn how to fish for people.
  • The call from Jesus gave the brothers a sense of purpose and excitement to be part of something bigger than their mundane fishing lives.
  • Speaker identifies faithful, available, and teachable individuals for leadership roles.
  • Calling people to God’s purpose and not personal agendas is crucial.
  • Developing leaders by showing them a better life God has planned for them.

Leadership, authority, and God’s Word.

  • Speaker emphasizes importance of teaching with confidence and authority, citing Matthew 7:28-29.
  • Leader’s competence and God’s Word are key to transferring authority and recognition, as seen in Acts 13:12.

Applying biblical teachings to everyday life.

  • Speaker reflects on the importance of aligning personal decisions with God’s Word.
  • Jesus taught foundational truths through sermons and parables.

Teaching and leading with biblical knowledge and application.

  • Speaker 2 emphasizes importance of being in God’s word to lead and teach effectively.
  • Speaker emphasizes the importance of practical application of Bible knowledge, rather than just theoretical knowledge.
  • Speaker must be a living model of what they want others to become, demonstrating the principles they teach.

Leadership development and empowering others.

  • Speaker 1 emphasizes the importance of modeling leadership by serving others, citing Jesus’ example in John 13:14-15.
  • Speaker 1 encourages listeners to follow Jesus’ example in Matthew 11:29, learning from His gentle and humble nature.
  • Speaker 1 emphasizes the importance of modeling leadership qualities, such as suffering and coming out on the other side, to inspire and empower others.
  • Speaker 2 highlights the issue of a small percentage of people doing most of the work in ministries and the kingdom, and suggests ways to empower and send more people to do the work.
  • Speaker 2 shares their experience with leadership, highlighting the importance of delegation and empowering others.
  • Speaker 2 emphasizes the need to feed back into others and not become entitled or spoiled.

Sending out laborers to spread the kingdom of God, with warnings of rejection and judgment.

  • Jesus sends 70 disciples to preach and heal, warning of judgment if rejected (Luke 10:1-12)
  • Jesus watches Satan fall, gives disciples authority to tread on serpents and scorpions (Luke 10:13-19)

Leadership, preparation, and empowerment in campus ministry.

  • Speaker 2 emphasizes the importance of being teachable and available for ministry.
  • Speaker 1 highlights the potential of young adults to lead and give back.
  • Speaker 2 shares their personal experience of being empowered by Jesus despite limited time spent with Him.

Developing leaders through correction and encouragement.

  • Speaker encourages leaders to empower and send people, but also to be faithful in small things.
  • Jesus corrected Peter’s incorrect beliefs, showing the need for both encouragement and correction in leadership.
  • The Bible emphasizes the importance of correction and discipline in personal growth and leadership development.
  • Speaker emphasizes importance of correcting and disciplining others.
  • Jesus corrected and disciplined those around Him, but also encouraged them.
  • Balance of correction and encouragement necessary for growth and development.

The importance of tough love and accountability in relationships.

  • Speaker 1 emphasizes the importance of balance in developing people.
  • Speaker 2 shares how they prioritize speaking truth to loved ones, even when it’s difficult.
  • Speaker 2 highlights the value of having people who are willing to fight for you and with you.

The power of God and overcoming anxiety through faith.

  • Speaker reflects on 25 years of campus ministry, noting a current sense of powerlessness and anxiety among young people.
  • Speaker reflects on their sister’s traumatic experience and how God has brought them through it.

Using God’s power to transform lives.

  • Speaker shares personal story of God’s power and strength in their life, despite challenges and hardships.
  • Holy Spirit’s presence and power can be seen in speaker’s leadership and testimony, inspiring others to trust in God.
  • Speaker 2 emphasizes the importance of recognizing God’s power and using it to transform lives.
  • Leaders should adopt Jesus’ methods for developing disciples and raise people up for ministry.

This content was featured at the 2024 Antioch Collective Annual Assembly at The Crossings Church St. Charles County in O’Fallon, MO. For more like this, visit