CAMPUS MINISTRY #4: Campus Ministry Q&A

CAMPUS MINISTRY #4: Campus Ministry Q&A

The conversation centered around the importance of biblical roles in campus ministry, discipleship processes for the LGBT community, and the role of leaders in shaping their children’s faith. Speakers emphasized the need for balance in serving others, identity-centric discipleship, and building relationships with individuals from the LGBTQ community. They also discussed strategies for maintaining connections with college students, including inviting them into one’s home, prioritizing self-care, and using time management techniques. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of loving and serving others, particularly in the context of campus ministry and discipleship.

Action Items

  • [ ] Educate yourself on resources like books and podcasts related to same-sex attraction.
  • [ ] Read the book “Gay Girl, Good God” by Jackie Hill Perry to gain a better perspective.
  • [ ] Schedule out time for campus ministry involvement, schoolwork, self-care, etc. Be proactive rather than reactive.
  • [ ] Look for teachable, coachable prospects who serve faithfully and take on small responsibilities first.
  • [ ] Make campus minister’s jobs easier by being teachable, listening to advice, and filling gaps like taking ownership of tasks.


Biblical roles for men and women in leadership, campus ministry experiences, and discipleship.

  • Speaker 2 discusses biblical roles of male and female leaders, citing examples from Jesus’ ministry.
  • Speaker 2: Biblical roles for men and women in church are clear, but blurred in practice.
  • Speaker 2: Discipleship and serving in campus ministry involve both men and women.

Discipleship and serving in campus ministry, with a focus on LGBTQ community.

  • Early planting of serving seeds in campus ministry fosters a culture of service.
  • Campus minister emphasizes importance of repentance and growth in leadership.

Loving and supporting people with same-sex attraction while maintaining biblical beliefs.

  • Speaker 5 shares their experience of loving and accepting LGBTQ individuals, including inviting them to dinner and playing softball together.
  • Speaker 6 emphasizes the importance of loving everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, while also acknowledging that same-sex attraction is a sin.
  • Speaker 6 emphasizes the importance of understanding and love when dealing with people struggling with same-sex attraction.
  • Speaker 5 recommends educating oneself on resources such as Jackie Hill Perry’s book “Gay Girl Good God” to better understand and help those struggling with same-sex attraction.

Biblical advice for navigating relationships, emphasizing the importance of trusting leaders and seeking their guidance.

  • Speaker 1 advises on biblical leadership in relationships, emphasizing accountability and matching with godly traits.
  • Speaker 1 encourages seeking advice from mature leaders to navigate relationships wisely.

Qualities for a godly husband, emphasizing love for God and commitment to relationships.

  • Speaker 4 emphasizes the importance of a man’s love for God and commitment to something greater than himself in a relationship.
  • Speaker 4 shares how her husband’s commitment to campus ministry and love for people deeply attracted her to him, even with flaws.
  • Kerry deeply cared about people and wanted them to have a relationship with God, even in the early stages of their relationship.
  • Carrie emphasizes the importance of selflessness in a relationship, citing Kerry’s example and encouraging women to step up and lead in small groups.

Choosing and developing prospects for leadership roles.

  • Speaker 6 emphasizes balance in relationships, citing examples from their own experience.
  • Speaker 6 looks for faithfulness and reliability in prospective leaders, assigning them tasks to test their commitment.
  • Speaker 5 seeks humility and a willingness to learn in prospective leaders, evaluating their response to correction.

Connecting with college students after graduation.

  • Speaker 1 suggests that college ministry is not about age demographics, but about impact on campus and college students.
  • Speaker 1 and others find ways to stay involved with college students, even after graduation, through activities like FaceTiming and studying in the library.
  • Speaker 1 suggests that older women can connect with college students by opening their homes for meals or activities.
  • Speaker 4 agrees that connecting with college students doesn’t necessarily require being on a college campus, and offers their home as an inviting space.

How to connect with people and study the Bible.

  • Speaker 2 emphasizes the importance of loving and caring for people, especially in evangelism (13 words)
  • Speaker 2 suggests that a lack of love is the root cause of difficulty in connecting with others (14 words)
  • The speaker recommends using resources like The Bible Project on YouTube for learning about the Bible.
  • The speaker suggests finding someone who has a good head knowledge of the Bible to guide you in your study.
  • Find supportive peers who take their faith seriously to grow spiritually.

Balancing work, ministry, and personal life.

  • Speaker 1 balances full-time work and campus ministry by prioritizing energy and strength.
  • Speaker 1 advises younger generations to develop spiritual disciplines to navigate complex life stages.
  • Speaker 1 emphasizes the importance of time management and scheduling to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Speaker 4 suggests blocking off time in a calendar to make room for free time and avoid falling behind on tasks.

Prioritizing time and energy for ministry and personal growth.

  • Speaker 5 emphasizes the importance of self-care and disciplines in one’s life, such as exercise, healthy eating, and quality quiet times.
  • Speaker 2 takes a more direct approach, suggesting that students prioritize what they love and find ways to make it happen, even if it means sacrificing other things.
  • Speaker shares personal experience of prioritizing ministry over work and family responsibilities, emphasizing the importance of discipline and choosing what matters most.
  • Speaker encourages campus students to make ministry a joyful experience for leaders by practicing practical acts of love and service.

The importance of listening to advice and being proactive in one’s life.

  • Speaker 6 shares personal experience of feeling drained from giving advice to others who don’t listen or act on it.
  • Speaker 1 encourages listeners to be proactive in their lives, seeking counsel and avoiding reactive decisions.
  • Speaker 1 encourages personal leaders to be proactive with their lifestyle, rather than reactive with their feelings.
  • Speaker 7 appreciates when ministry leaders show love and encouragement to their children, as it warms their hearts and reinforces positive behavior.

The importance of filling gaps in ministry and supporting each other.

  • Speaker reflects on sharing home, holidays, and birthdays with church, recognizing the impact on their children’s understanding of God’s redemption.
  • Speaker acknowledges the influence of church leaders on their children’s faith, noting the importance of openness and vulnerability in sharing personal struggles.
  • Speaker 4 discusses filling gaps in ministry roles and finding fundraisers to help with responsibilities.
  • Speaker 6 shares a personal story about being there for a friend in need, driving from St. Louis to pick them up for school.
  • Speaker 6 shares about the importance of mentorship and passing on wisdom to younger generations.
  • The group prays for continued growth in their faith and ministry, and for inspiring teens and adults alike.

This content was featured at the 2024 Antioch Collective Annual Assembly at The Crossings Church St. Charles County in O’Fallon, MO. For more like this, visit