CHURCH PLANTING #3: Selecting & Training the Team

CHURCH PLANTING #3: Selecting & Training the Team

CHURCH PLANTING #3: Selecting & Training the Team

The conversation centered around the process of selecting a new church location and the importance of small group discussions, promotional videos, and fasting and praying. Speakers emphasized the value of reading ‘Gaining by Losing’ by Dr. Reid, which highlights that everyone is called to serve regardless of their background or circumstances. They also discussed various methods and strategies for church planting and discipleship, including evaluating candidates’ motivations, personal spiritual growth, and evangelism. The speakers emphasized the need for a united front and strong leadership, as well as practical training and support for church planters.

Action Items

  • [ ] Distribute survey forms to the entire congregation to obtain expressions of interest.
  • [ ] Conduct personal interviews with all interested applicants and their group leaders.
  • [ ] Select the church plant team based on prayers, fasting and discernment.
  • [ ] Assign the selected team to a dedicated small group for intensified training.
  • [ ] Continue weekly staff meetings and training sessions with the church plant team even after they move.


Selecting location for new church plant.

  • Unknown Speaker: “It was, and so.”
  • Speaker 1: “We’ll show you where we’re going, but you gotta pray and fast.”
  • Speaker 1: Church planting requires buy-in from community, prayer, and fasting.
  • Speaker 2: Process of picking city involves seeking God’s direction through prayer and fasting.
  • Speaker 1 discusses picking a team and training, while Speaker 2 shares their experience with COVID-related changes.
  • Church planters plan to launch in August, utilizing the Christmas season for outreach and campus ministry.

Church planting and fundraising efforts.

  • Speaker 2 shares about the plant, mentioning people sold their houses and moved at different times, while Speaker 1 talks about the upcoming plant and the importance of prayer and fasting.
  • Speaker 1 discusses the special contribution for the plant, while Speaker 2 highlights the prayer and fasting schedule, with someone praying every hour throughout the 24-hour fast.
  • Speaker 1 highlights the church’s investment in high school and college students, as well as adults, through sacrificial giving.
  • The church’s unified support for missions is evident in the collection for the team going out, with most contributions ranging from $300 to $3,000, primarily from high school and college students.

Church planting and leadership.

  • Speaker 1 discusses the importance of church planting and the role of the “grandfather church” in supporting new congregations.
  • Speaker 2 shares their experience with a church planting survey and the impact it had on their congregation.
  • Speaker 1 recommends the book “Gaining by Losing” by Dr. Reid, highlighting its helpfulness in addressing doubts and struggles related to ministry.
  • Speaker 1 and Speaker 2 discuss the myth of calling, emphasizing that all believers are called by God through obedience to the gospel, not just select individuals.

Selecting team members for new church plant.

  • A group of 30 individuals from Alton, Illinois founded the Crossing Church in Wentzville in 2004, growing to an average of 500 members and expanding to a new location in Collinsville.
  • Speaker 1 emphasizes the importance of selecting leaders who are called to serve, not just infatuated with the idea of planting a church.
  • The core group prays and fasts before handing out church plant applications to those who express interest, ignoring any survey results.
  • Speaker 1 shares a story about a candidate who seemed convicted but turned out to be a troublemaker.
  • Leadership wants to know if candidates will still go to the new church even if not selected, and their response reveals motives.

Church plant effectiveness, financial giving, and personal struggles.

  • Speaker 1 shared about a couple who gave inconsistently, with only two weeks out of 52, and the importance of honesty and faithfulness in giving.
  • The transcript also mentioned that 90% of church plants fail, and the importance of evaluating fruitfulness and faithfulness in the context of church planting.
  • Speaker 2 shares stories of people who have been blessed with good jobs after moving to a new area.
  • Questions of weakness and struggle are important to address before joining a plant, as they can hinder or threaten the plant’s success.

Church planting leadership development and unity.

  • Speaker 2 discusses the importance of effective discipleship and leadership development in church planting.
  • Speaker 1 shares a personal experience of low baptism rates among campus ministers, highlighting the need for genuine discipleship and leadership development.
  • The team conducts personal interviews with each applicant and their group leader to assess their unity and witness to the world.
  • The team also meets with people in their cell or zone leaders to get their perspective on the applicant’s fit for the church plant.

Discipleship training and church planting.

  • Speaker 1 discusses the team selection process, emphasizing the importance of training and scrutiny.
  • Speaker 2 shares a book list, including “Master Plan of Evangelism” and “Prideful Souls Guide to Humility”.
  • Speaker 1 shares story of church helping other churches in need, raising $125,000 in 4 weeks.
  • Monthly training session discussed, including topics such as evangelism and humility.

Church planting challenges and support.

  • Speaker 1 and 2 discuss their roles in ministry and the importance of having a support group for women in ministry.
  • They share experiences and insights, and have weekly calls to discuss books and stuff.
  • Speaker 1 discusses the importance of training and support for church plants, citing the value of mentorship and fellowship.
  • Speaker 1 and other leaders prioritize practical help and ongoing support to prevent church plants from failing.

This content was featured at the 2024 Antioch Collective Annual Assembly at The Crossings Church St. Charles County in O’Fallon, MO. For more like this, visit