DISCIPLEMAKING HEALING MINISTRIES #3: Reaching & Discipling the Underprivileged

DISCIPLEMAKING HEALING MINISTRIES #3: Reaching & Discipling the Underprivileged

DISCIPLEMAKING HEALING MINISTRIES #3: Reaching & Discipling the Underprivileged

The conversation revolves around the personal journeys of starting New Heights Tutoring Ministry, caring for hurting and in-need individuals, and the importance of community outreach and support programs. Speakers share their experiences in ministering to challenging children and parents, emphasizing the importance of showing Jesus’ love and being willing to get messy. They also discuss the concept of pure and flawless religion, which involves serving orphans and widows in distress and keeping oneself unpolluted by the world. Additionally, they express gratitude for the Antioch Collective and its impact on their lives.

Action Items

  • [ ] James and Ciara will start a New Heights area in the neighborhood across from the church, inviting kids to a barbecue or event to build connections.
  • [ ] Consider finding one or some kids or a family in your own community to invest in and invite to church events.


Starting and growing a tutoring and mentoring ministry for underprivileged children.

  • Chandler and Laura started New Heights tutoring and mentoring ministry in 2004, initially picking up kids from rough neighborhoods for church and providing pizza and arcade games.
  • Despite lacking resources, they persisted in their mission, eventually establishing a tutoring program and growing the ministry over the years.
  • Speaker 2 shares how New Heights started with a small group of volunteers and kids meeting in a park, eventually growing to include buses and a building.
  • Speaker 1 explains how the organization evolved from a weekly tutoring program to a broader community service initiative, with a focus on keeping kids involved and having fun.
  • Speaker 1 discusses the growth of their mentoring program, connecting kids with Christ and their families.
  • Speaker 1 shares memories of past Christmas programs, including a highlight reel of kids opening gifts.

Caring for vulnerable populations, including single parents and children without parents.

  • Speaker 2 explains why New Heights exists: to care for hurting children and provide examples for the community (0:06:54-0:08:02)
  • Speaker 1 highlights the biblical basis for New Heights’ ministry and how it helps grow disciples (0:08:06-0:09:11)
  • Speaker 1 shares their personal story of growing up in poverty, feeling hopeless, and acting out in school.
  • Speaker 1 found support from local church members and discovered a sense of purpose, but still struggles with past mistakes.

How New Heights ministry helps make disciples through various activities and serving opportunities.

  • New Heights Ministry helps build relationships within the community, including with local schools.
  • New Heights Ministry makes disciples through various outreach efforts, including picking up kids from school.
  • Speaker 1 shares stories of children who have grown up at New Heights Church, including Ben, who stopped coming in junior high but returned in high school.
  • Speaker 2 talks about how they made connections with families through a talent show and driving their kids to church.
  • Speaker 1 discusses how their family’s ministry, New Heights, helps create disciples by serving together and setting an example for their kids.
  • New Heights provides opportunities for cell groups from the church to serve at events and fulfill needs, growing in responsibilities and finding ways to serve.

Starting a ministry for children in a small community, facing challenges and showing love to people despite difficulties.

  • Start small by noticing needs in your community and reaching out to individuals or families.
  • Anticipate challenges and find creative solutions to connect with people in a more personal way.
  • Speaker 2 describes ministry to children as messy, challenging, and worthwhile.
  • Speaker 2 emphasizes the importance of sticking with people and loving them despite their behavior.

Balancing physical and spiritual needs of children in ministry.

  • Speaker 1 emphasizes the importance of meeting spiritual needs alongside physical ones in ministry.
  • Organization provides shoes, clothes, and other physical necessities while prioritizing spiritual growth.
  • Speaker 2: “Christmas Eve service, kids go alone, no presents without love.”
  • Speaker 1: “Long-term goal, consistent, patient, loving, and kind.”

Pure and faultless religion, serving orphans and widows, and church planting.

  • Speaker reflects on growth in spiritual life and leadership through parenting and ministry experiences.
  • Challenge to prioritize serving orphans and widows in distress as a measure of pure and faultless religion.
  • Speaker encourages listeners to start small in ministry, inviting others to church or connecting them with local communities.
  • Church planting efforts have helped connect kids and families in different locations, providing support and love for those who have moved away.

Fundraising strategies for a church-affiliated tutoring program.

  • Speaker 2 mentioned ways to fund a ministry, including connecting with businesses and churches for donations.
  • Speaker 2 also mentioned the importance of having a separate 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status for the ministry to access grant opportunities and donations from businesses.

Outreach programs for children in various neighborhoods.

  • Unknown Speaker discusses picking up kids for church and after-school program, providing home-cooked meals, and educational activities.
  • Speaker 1 mentions inviting a kid to join them for a singing event and hanging out with college students, extending Sundays with informal activities.
  • The speaker’s church has a ministry for children from kindergarten to fifth grade, with volunteers picking up kids from school and taking them to junior high on Wednesdays.
  • The speaker’s church shifts kids from the new heights ministry to more like they’re a part of the church as they enter junior high, with some kids coming through now.
  • Speaker 1 describes how they started a neighborhood outreach program in Wentzville Heights, inviting kids and families through word of mouth and flyers.
  • Speaker 1 and his wife, Laura, lived in the neighborhood they were trying to reach out to, which helped them make connections with families.

Nonprofit work and community service.

  • Ministry volunteers helped maintain a local park through community service days.
  • Speaker 5 discusses starting a nonprofit organization in Missouri, mentioning the educational exemption with a religious base.
  • Speaker 1 allays fears of legal trouble, emphasizing the love and support for helping kids and serving others.
  • Speaker 1 and 6 express gratitude and pray for growth in their relationship and ministry.

This content was featured at the 2024 Antioch Collective Annual Assembly at The Crossings Church St. Charles County in O’Fallon, MO. For more like this, visit https://antiochcollective.org/