EFFECTIVE SMALL GROUPS #2: Before & After the Meeting

EFFECTIVE SMALL GROUPS #2: Before & After the Meeting

Speakers emphasize the importance of small groups in fostering close relationships and spiritual growth, as seen in their personal experiences. Small groups provide opportunities for personalized guidance, intimate sharing, and practical application of biblical teachings. They offer a better chance for individuals to address personal struggles more effectively, foster a sense of community and accountability, and serve others. Examples include a member with a prosthetic leg and Peter’s immediate change after Jesus washed his feet.

Action Items

  • [ ] Encourage church members to commit to their small groups the way Jesus’ followers committed to him.


The importance of small groups in Christian community.

  • Speaker emphasizes importance of intimate relationships in Christian life.
  • Speaker 1 emphasizes the importance of small groups in the church, calling them the “basic building block” of spiritual growth.
  • Small groups are gender-specific and meet every other week to discuss sermons, pray for each other, and build community.
  • Speaker 1 describes the early Christian community as a big group meeting in the temple courts, with daily baptisms and a sense of joy and favor from the people.
  • The community breaks into small groups in homes for more intimate discipleship, with the Lord adding to their number daily through conversions.

The benefits of small groups in Christianity.

  • Jesus chose 12 disciples to spend time with, train, and send out to reach the world.
  • The small group provides a better opportunity for expressing and experiencing love (John 13:1-17)
  • A small group setting allows for developmental opportunities that cannot be replicated in a large group (John 13:1-17)

Jesus’ love and its depth in John 13.

  • John 13:1 in the 1984 NIV version shows Jesus demonstrating full extent of love before crucifixion.
  • Jesus demonstrates agape love by blessing his disciples despite their betrayal and denial.
  • Through small groups, Jesus’ love will be communicated and understood later in life.

The importance of small groups for spiritual growth and community.

  • Speaker 1 shares personal experiences of love and connection at church camp, highlighting the importance of small group interactions.
  • Speaker 1 reflects on the impact of cabin time on spiritual growth, citing examples of men who have done well spiritually despite challenges.
  • Speaker 1 describes the intimacy of small group conversations, sharing personal experiences and becoming close (18:01-18:45)
  • Speaker 1 compares small group meals to Jesus’ foot washing, highlighting the importance of personal hygiene in those settings (18:45-19:18)

Serving others in small groups, with personal examples of needs met and lessons learned.

  • Jesus shows full extent of love through service, exposing selfishness or service in small groups.
  • In small groups, anyone can do something to help, like washing feet with a towel.
  • Speaker 1 shares about his small group members struggling with sexual compulsion and other issues, including drug and alcohol addiction, selfishness, and depression.
  • Speaker 1’s group includes a man who was separated from his wife and kids due to immorality and attempted suicide, but he found hope and healing through the group.

Serving and being served in small groups, with opportunities for correction and growth.

  • Small group provides opportunity for service, correction, and humility (Speaker 1)
  • Speaker 1 addresses a distracting brother in church, urging him to change.

Small groups in church for support and healing.

  • Speaker argues that church’s reliance on groupthink hinders true healing.
  • The speaker discusses the importance of small groups for spiritual growth and support, citing Jesus’ example of sharing a meal with his disciples and revealing Judas’ betrayal in a small setting.
  • The speaker notes that small groups provide a safer environment for confession and support, with the example of a church using a card system for invitations and seeing a significant increase in responses asking for help.

The benefits of small groups for spiritual growth and application.

  • Speaker 1 describes a woman who interrupts sermons with questions, known as “Hey, Robert, I got a question.”
  • Speaker discusses struggles with self-esteem and application of Bible teachings in small group setting.
  • Speaker encourages listeners to commit to small group for personal growth and blessing of others.

This content was featured at the 2024 Antioch Collective Annual Assembly at The Crossings Church St. Charles County in O’Fallon, MO. For more like this, visit https://antiochcollective.org/