TEEN MINISTRY #2: Discipling Unchurched Teens
TEEN MINISTRY #2: Discipling Unchurched Teens
Series: ACTS 2024, Teen Ministry
Topic: discipling teens, love, teen ministry, youth ministry

TEEN MINISTRY #2: Discipling Unchurched Teens
The speakers emphasized the importance of authenticity, vulnerability, and biblical teaching in discipling both churched and unchurched teens. They stressed the need for role models who are open about their imperfections and for leaders to lead with love and authenticity. The speakers also highlighted the value of giving oneself in ministry and pouring into others, even when exhausted. They encouraged church kids to recognize their responsibility to reach unchurched youth and emphasized the importance of safe spaces and patience in working with imperfect disciples.
Action Items
- [ ] Remind church kids of their lineage and the sacrifices made by previous generations to instill gratitude and ownership.
- [ ] Approach discipling church and unchurched teens differently based on their backgrounds but with equal care, guidance and investment.
- [ ] Give opportunities for teens to succeed and fail while being supportive in order to train ownership of their faith.
- [ ] Foster vulnerability and openness in youth group settings to allow church teens an outlet to discuss struggles without shame.
- [ ] Practice patience and grace with both church and unchurched teens due to challenges from their differing upbringings.
Discipling and reaching unchurched teens through authenticity and example.
- Speaker 1 expresses gratitude for listeners and emphasizes the value of discipling church and unchurched teens.
- Speaker 2 reflects on the challenges of discipling teens from different backgrounds and the importance of authenticity.
- Speaker 2 argues that authenticity means being humble and open about imperfections, while still living a consistent life that others can follow.
- Speaker 2 encourages listeners to imitate their example and live according to their teachings, as seen in Philippians 3:17.
- Speaker emphasizes authenticity and vulnerability in leadership, citing Jesus and Alyssa as examples.
- Leaders must be willing to answer for their actions and be accountable for their flock, rather than being hypocritical or in it for personal gain.
Discipling teens through authenticity and teaching the Word of God.
- Authenticity is key in discipling teens, teach and uphold the Word of God.
- The speaker emphasizes the importance of the Word of God in discipleship, particularly for youth.
Teaching and accountability for church kids and unchurched teens.
- Speaker 1 notes that unchurched teens may not know anything about God, and suggests a better way to guide them through the Bible.
- Speaker 2 shares their experience of teaching church kids and finding that many of them lack knowledge of scripture, despite being raised in church.
- Speaker 2 emphasizes the importance of holding youth accountable to their commitments and upholding the truth they learn.
- Speaker 2 highlights the need to address ignorance and replace it with truth, while also holding youth accountable for their actions.
- Speaker discusses accountability in children’s ministry, emphasizing the importance of involving parents and peers in holding students accountable for their actions.
- Galatians 6:1-2 is cited as a biblical example of how godly individuals should help fellow believers who are struggling with sin, while being mindful of their own spiritual health.
Giving time and effort in youth ministry.
- Speaker 1 emphasizes the importance of giving oneself and time to disciple teens.
- Time investment in youth ministry is valuable for building relationships and connections.
Youth ministry and the importance of showing love and care to young people.
- Speaker reflects on memories with friends, including watching TV shows and movies together.
- Speaker wishes they could show pictures of their memories to others, highlighting their authenticity and heart.
- The speaker reflects on their past experiences in youth ministry, sharing how they’ve seen the impact of unloving behavior on children.
- The speaker emphasizes the importance of loving others, citing John 13:34 as a guiding principle for their ministry.
- Speaker reflects on their past, including feeling empty and unloved, but now feels loved and appreciated.
Discipling teens, ownership, and leadership.
- Speaker emphasizes importance of authenticity and ownership in discipling teens.
- Training teens to have ownership of their faith and ministry leads to powerful results.
- Speaker 1 describes unchurched kids as broken and seeking help, while church kids may be more aware of God’s grace.
- Lack of awareness and ingratitude may contribute to the difference in response between church and unchurched kids.
- Speaker reflects on their role as a Christian and youth leader, emphasizing the importance of ownership and discipleship.
Challenges faced by church kids and ways to overcome them.
- Speaker 3 shares personal experience as pastor’s kid, struggling with living faith outside of church events.
- Speaker 3 emphasizes need for youth ministry to focus on taking faith beyond church walls.
- Speaker 4 shares personal experience of breaking cycle of entitlement in family.
- Speaker 2 acknowledges challenge of gratitude and awareness in church kids.
- Church kids grow up witnessing discipleship, then disciple peers in their own environments.
- Church kids bring broken friends into their lives, showing them a different perspective.
Challenges and resilience of church kids vs. unchurched kids.
- Speaker 4 shares about a student who is passionate and stubborn, but also patient and resilient.
- Speaker 2 agrees, highlighting the importance of being disciples within the home and standing up to truth.
- Speaker 3: Church kids have resilience built through struggles, difficulties, and pushback from the world.
- Speaker 3: Unchurched kids have 1418 years of habits and living life that are hard to change.
Importance of authenticity and self-giving in discipleship.
- Speaker 4 highlights the importance of support systems for former foster youth, emphasizing the need for accountability and consistency in their lives.
- Teens’ faith journeys and struggles with church customs and beliefs.
- Speaker 4 emphasizes authenticity and self-giving in ministry.
Teen ministry and giving oneself to others.
- Speaker shared personal struggles with addiction, sexuality, and loss, emphasizing the importance of vulnerability and authenticity in ministry.
- Speaker highlighted the impact of vulnerability on relationships, including receiving cards on Mother’s Day from youth, and feeling seen and loved in difficult times.
- Giving time and energy to others leads to authentic connections and personal growth.
- Teen ministry leaders pray for guidance and gratitude before meal.
This content was featured at the 2024 Antioch Collective Annual Assembly at The Crossings Church St. Charles County in O’Fallon, MO. For more like this, visit https://antiochcollective.org/