TEEN MINISTRY #4: Working with Parents

TEEN MINISTRY #4: Working with Parents

Speakers discussed the challenges and opportunities of involving parents in youth ministry, emphasizing the importance of communication, authenticity, empathy, and understanding. They also discussed the challenges of nurturing authentic discipleship in both home and church environments, and the significance of developing trust and friendship in parenting and leadership. Speakers shared their personal experiences with divorce, parenting teenagers, and the role of God in their journey, highlighting the importance of self-love, good relationships, and open communication in overcoming challenges.

Action Items

  • [ ] Provide snacks for parents attending youth events
  • [ ] Communicate youth ministry plans and schedule clearly to parents
  • [ ] Encourage parents to pray bold prayers for their children
  • [ ] Have a humble heart and listen to youth leaders’ advice
  • [ ] Consider forming a united front with youth leaders on parenting decisions


Navigating youth ministry with parents, both churched and unchurched.

  • Speaker 1 expresses gratitude for God’s guidance and lessons learned in ministry.
  • Working with parents in teen ministry presents challenges, but also blessings and opportunities for growth.
  • Speaker 1 discusses navigating ministry with unchurched parents, while Speaker 2 highlights the importance of discipling parents in both churched and unchurched settings.

Parents’ role in discipling children in the church.

  • Parents play crucial role in discipling children (Deut. 6:6-7, Prov. 22:6)
  • Church kids may lack fruit of the Spirit, vision for Kingdom without radical discipleship at home
  • Youth leader emphasizes importance of obedience to parents in Christian community.

Navigating faith and parenting in different scenarios.

  • Speaker 1: Honoring God and following His words is key in navigating conflicting parental and youth ministry expectations.
  • Speaker 2: Hybrid situations (unchurched parents becoming disciples later in life) require different approaches and understanding.

Importance of communication and authenticity in youth ministry.

  • Leaders should prioritize communication with parents, including updates on events and changes, and make an effort to build a relationship with each parent.
  • Authenticity in the home is crucial, and leaders should encourage it by being transparent and honest in their interactions with parents.
  • Youth leader struggles to encourage authenticity in homes with strong church influence.
  • Speaker 2 highlights the importance of positive examples in parenting and discipleship.
  • Speaker 2 suggests that teenagers will mimic both good and bad examples set by their parents and other influential figures in their lives.

Importance of communication, accountability, and friendship in youth ministry.

  • Parents and youth leaders must prioritize communication, accountability, and empathy in working together.
  • Speaker 2 emphasizes the importance of accountability and encouraging parents to seek help from others who have successfully raised disciples.
  • Speaker 2 suggests cultivating friendships with parents in youth ministry to get to know them and their families better.
  • Speaker 2 emphasizes the importance of cultivating a genuine friendship with parents to effectively lead teens.
  • Friendship provides trust, grace, and a place of understanding for both parties in challenging situations.

Involving parents in youth ministry to deepen faith.

  • Speaker 1 emphasizes the importance of involving parents in discipleship, providing opportunities for them to engage with their teenagers.
  • Speaker 2 acknowledges that parents may do their best to support the youth ministry, but recognizes that there may still be a sense of separation as their children grow older.
  • Speaker 2 reflects on Jesus’ love for Judas, despite betrayal, emphasizing the importance of God’s love and the need for grace in parenting and leadership.
  • Parents and youth leaders should give each other grace in moments of failure or betrayal, recognizing the abundance of opportunity and love provided in youth ministry.

Parenting teenagers in a church youth ministry.

  • Parents share experiences and opinions on parenting teens in youth ministry.
  • Speaker 3 shares her experience of navigating a divorce while still living with her husband and trying to find a safe place for her children.
  • Speaker 3 reaches out to Ashley, a friend from church, for support and finds a welcoming community at the church.

Parenting struggles and the importance of church support.

  • Speaker 4 shares their struggles with parenting teens, including admitting their own mistakes and helping their daughter be honest about her actions.
  • Speaker 4’s daughter Kate has difficulty lying and admits to wrongdoing, leading to a meaningful conversation between mother and daughter.
  • Speaker 4 reflects on how God and support from Jenna helped them through a difficult time in parenting.
  • Speaker 3 realizes they were naive about their kids’ need for healing from a broken home and marriage.
  • The speaker’s family benefited from youth ministry by learning how to be disciples while watching leaders disciple their children.
  • The speaker’s youth leaders were intentional about teaching them how to be disciples, even when the speaker’s parents couldn’t understand or provide guidance.

Supporting teenagers in youth ministry with empathy and unity.

  • Parent appreciated youth leaders’ support in navigating complex family dynamics.
  • Parents should approach teenagers with the mindset that they want what’s best for their children and their family as a unit.
  • Unified front between parents can help teenagers navigate difficult situations and avoid feeling like they’re being manipulated or lied to.

Parenting and youth ministry challenges.

  • Speaker 4 emphasizes the importance of having a humble heart and listening to youth leaders, admitting they don’t always know what’s best for their kids.
  • Speaker 3 encourages parents to communicate with youth leaders and express their needs, such as knowing who the Rando house is when dropping off their kids.
  • Speaker 3 shares their experience with youth leader’s encouragement to pray for their child’s rescue from a difficult situation.
  • Unknown Speaker encourages women in ministry to be humble and vulnerable, and students to keep choosing righteous decisions.

This content was featured at the 2024 Antioch Collective Annual Assembly at The Crossings Church St. Charles County in O’Fallon, MO. For more like this, visit https://antiochcollective.org/